Register Here for TREATT II

Logistical Information and Registration Link for the March 7, 2011 TransRAdial Education and Training & Therapy (TREATT) II Thinktank

TransRadial Education And Training

and Therapy (TREATT) Thinktank

Co-sponsored by the Cardiac Safety Research Consortium (CSRC) and the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Monday, March 7, 2011
8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
White Oak FDA Campus, Building 2

10903 New Hampshire Avenue
Silver Spring, MD 20993

TREATT will convene faculty experts from academia, industry and government to discuss the role of device technique (radial approach) to inform the safety labeling of antithrombotic medications used for percutaneous coronary intervention. The purpose of this meeting is to serve as an incubator to move a portfolio of projects designed to inform drug labeling, educate the interventional community in transradial catheterization, and develop an infrastructure to explore new drugs and devices in the context of ongoing data collections. As a “thinktank” forum of experts there will be no didactic lectures, but rather a roundtable of brief presentations giving perspectives from all stakeholders. More than 50% of the meeting time will be open discussion amongst faculty.


The SAFE PCI For Women Protocol: Final Steps
Protocol Review, Site Selections, & Timelines
Cost, Quality of Life, & Customer Satisfaction Substudy

Extending the TREATT Portfolio
Bleeding safety, Drugs and Vascular Access: update from FDA
International Reach and Collaboration in the TREATT Portfolio

TransRadial Education
Establishing Site Training Methods and Metrics


Hotel rooms are available at the Marriott Bethesda.

Marriott Bethesda
5151 Pooks Hill Road
Bethesda, MD 20814

Room Rates are $149 plus 13% tax. The room block will be held until February 21, 2011.

Go to this page:

to display the Marriott Bethesda’s home page with the negotiated rate code already entered in the appropriate field.

If calling to make your room reservation, please reference “Duke University Room Block.”


All meeting cancellation requests must be submitted in writing via e-mail ( or by fax (919-668-7114; Attn: Wendy Sprintz).

In the unlikely event the program is canceled or postponed, we will not be responsible for any travel costs or expenses, including cancellation/change penalties assessed by airlines, travel agencies or hotels.


Hotel Shuttle Service:

Monday morning shuttle transportation will be available on a first-come, first-served basis from the Marriott Bethesda Hotel. The shuttle will arrive at the hotel at 7:05 a.m. with a prompt departure of 7:15 a.m.

If the shuttle reaches maximum capacity before you have been seated, you will be responsible for your own transportation to the White Oak Facility.

Monday Afternoon Departure Information:

Each participant is responsible for their own departure transportation from the White Oak Facility once the meeting adjourns. Two transportation services to consider are Barwood Taxi 301-984-1900 or AAA limousine service 703-575-9560.

All meeting participants will enter through Building 1.

Driving Directions:

Participants driving to the White Oak Facility should follow the directions and parking instructions provided on the map (below). Again, all thinktank attendees must enter through Building 1.


Metro Station Shuttle:

The shuttle will take you directly to the White Oak Facility from various metro stations. All thinktank attendees must enter through Building 1.



All meeting attendees must register by February 16, 2011. On-site registration will not be allowed. If you are not registered for this meeting you will not be allowed into the meeting facility. All non-FDA personnel must be cleared by FDA security two weeks prior to the meeting.

Additional logistical considerations:

Persons with an international passport must complete the FDA’s Foreign Visitor Form [MS Word] and submit to Wendy Sprintz ( by noon on Friday, February 18, 2011. All Non-US Citizens, including permanent residents, must complete the International Form.

Cameras, recordable devices, sharp objects, etc., will not be allowed to pass through FDA security. Laptops, cell phones and jump drives are permitted.

Questions/Additional Information

Please contact Wendy Sprintz, Duke Clinical Research Institute 
DCRI: (877) 707-2904