A Cardiac Safety Research Consortium Thinktank:
Rechanneling the Current Cardiac Risk Paradigm: Arrhythmia Risk Assessment During Drug Development Without the Thorough QT Study
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
7:30am – 6:00pm
(meeting starts at 8:00am, registration and continental breakfast start at 7:30am)
White Oak FDA Campus, Building 31, Great Room
(please enter through Building 1)
10903 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20993
Sheraton Silver Spring Hotel
8777 Georgia Avenue
Silver Spring, Maryland, United States 20904
Hotel: (301) 563-3723
Reservations: (888) 627-7176
Conference rate for this hotel is $129.00/night, plus taxes (includes complimentary Wi-Fi service). Please reserve your room by calling either the hotel or reservation line and asking for a room at the “CSRC Meeting” rate.
Hotel Shuttle Service:
Tuesday morning shuttle transportation will be available on a first-come, first-served basis from the Sheraton Hotel. The shuttle will arrive at the hotel at 7:05 a.m. with a prompt departure of 7:15 a.m. If the shuttle reaches maximum capacity before you have been seated, you will be responsible for your own transportation to the White Oak Facility.
Ground Transportation:
Each Participant is responsible for their own departure transportation from the White Oak Facility once the meeting adjourns. Three transportation services to consider are listed below:
Barwood Taxi: 301-984-1900 AAA Private Sedan Service: 703-575-9560 Private Sedans: 301-460-7644
Driving Directions:
Participants driving to the White Oak Facility should follow the directions and parking instructions provided on the map (below). All Thinktank attendees must enter through Building 1. See VISITOR PARKING/MAP [pdf] and SECURITY SCREENING/BUILDING LOCATION MAP [pdf]
Metro Station Shuttle:
The shuttle will take you directly to the White Oak Facility from various metro stations. All Thinktank attendees must enter through Building 1. See METRO SHUTTLE SCHEDULE [pdf]
Additional logistical considerations:
Cameras, recordable devices, sharp objects, etc., will not be allowed to pass through FDA security. Laptops, cell phones, and jump drives are permitted.
Onsite Questions/Additional Information
Please contact Valarie Morrow, Duke Clinical Research Institute
Cell: (919) 724-8931