CSRC and ICOS Annual Meeting

October 5-6, 2011

CSRC and ICOS Annual Meeting

October 5-6, 2011

FDA White Oak Facility

The CSRC 2011 Annual Meeting is being held in collaboration with the International CardiOncology Society (ICOS.) For more information on ICOS, please visit their website by clicking here.

October 5, 2011 CSRC Annual Meeting

7:30-8:00      Registration and Continental Breakfast



Reports from the CSRC Committees (Moderators: Paul Kligfield, MD (Cornell) and Theressa Wright, MD (Eli Lilly))

– Thinktank Conclusions and Actions from Meetings

– Future Thinktanks


Plenary Session (Moderators: Mitchell Krucoff, MD (Duke) and Norman Stockbridge, MD, PhD (FDA))

10:00-10:15  Break


Current Safety Issues, Product Development, and Impact on Product Development: How Can We Facilitate Innovation? (Moderator: Rick Turner, PhD (Quintiles))

11:45-12:15   Lunch


Hot Topics Mini-Symposium I: Innovation in Collecting Safety Data via Novel Randomized Trial Approaches or Other Techniques (Moderators: Cindy Green, PhD (Duke) and Philip Sager, MD (Consultant))

1:45-2:00     Break


Hot Topics Mini-Symposium II: Cardiac Safety and Blood Pressure: Do We Need Thorough BP Studies? If so, for all drugs or only for certain drugs? (Moderators: Norman Stockbridge, MD, PhD (FDA) and Adel Nada, MD (Abbott))

3:30-3:50     Break

3:50- 5:15

CSRC Future Directions 1: Strategic Relationships and Collaboration

Moderators: Ignacio Rodriguez, MD (Roche); John Finkle, MD (GSK)

How are our organizations aligned and how can we more closely collaborate?

CSRC Future Directions 2: Open Discussion on Procedures, Priorities, Proposals for Research, White Papers, and Thinktanks

Open Discussion: What additional areas should the CSRC focus on in 2012 that are high impact for Public Health?  How do we measure our impact? Procedures, Priorities and Proposals for Research, White Papers, Think Tanks.



 6:30- 8:30 PM

  • Meet and Greet Reception at the Sheraton Washington North

7:30 – 9:00 PM

  • CSRC Executive Committee Meeting
  • ICOS Executive Committee Meeting

October 6, 2011 – International CardiOncology Society Annual Meeting

Latest Developments in the Treatment of Cardiac Disease in Cancer Patients


Registration & Continental Breakfast


The History of the International CardiOncology Society (ICOS):  Carlo Cipolla MD and Daniel Lenihan MD

8:10 – 10:00          What is Cardiotoxicity and How does this impact clinicians and their patients?

Moderators:  Michael Ewer MD, Michael Fisch, MD, Mitchell Krucoff, MD

10:00-10:20  Break

10:20-12:00         Recent Developments in the Overlap of Cardiology and Oncology

11:40    Panel Discussion:  All speakers

          Case Presentation (during panel):  Alan Kono, MD

Moderators:  JoAnn Lindenfeld MD, Joanna Bell, MD and Philip Sager MD

12:00-12:40  Lunch

Session 3:  Future for Research in CardiOncology

Moderators: John Finkle MD,  Paige McDonald, MD and Richard Steingart MD

Break:   2:20-2:30

Session 4:    Mechanisms for Cardiac Toxicity and Possible Treatments

4:10 Panel Discussion: All speakers; Case Presentations: Charlie Porter, MD

Moderators: Thomas Force MD, Aarif Khakoo MD, and Theressa Wright MD

4:30- 4:50

Next Steps/ Closing Remarks

Joseph Carver, Daniel Lenihan, Carlo Cipolla