Finding a consensus for practical clinical recommendationInternational CardiOncology Society Annual Meeting
Introduction to Day 2: Developing a Consensus: Carlo Cipolla, MD
Hypertension Associated with Newer Drug Development: The Impact of Anti-angiogenic and Other Therapies
Moderators:Thomas Force, MD / Bonnie Ky, MD
- Prevalence, Scientific Approach and Mechanistic Understanding Igor Puzanov, MD
- Management Approaches and Prophylactic Pharmacologic Strategies During Clinical Development and Everyday Use William White, MD
- Do oncologists need any assist from cardiology? Scot Remick, MD
- How should BP and cardiac status be monitored during oncology treatment when there is a known risk of acute hypertension?: Javed Moslehi, MD
Detection of Heart Failure and Myocardial Toxicity
Moderators: Boaz Mendzelevski, MD & Lori Minasian, MD
- What Impact does Heart Failure and Myocardial Toxicity have on Breast Cancer Treatment Choices? Carol Fabian, MD
- Newer Echo-based Technology for Cardiac Imaging During Drug Development Pamela Douglas, MD
- Is MRI or Alternative Imaging Going to Improve Outcomes? Greg Hundley, MD
- Is a Cardiac Biomarker Strategy to Detect Myocardial Toxicity Superior or Synergistic with Imaging? Daniela Cardinale, MD, PhD
- What is the Evidence for the Best Treatment of Myocardial Toxicity? Anju Nohria, MD
Review of Consensus Recommendations (I): Heart Failure, Cardiotoxicity, and Hypertension
Giuseppe Curigliano, MD & Wamique Yusuf, MD
Striking a Balance between Bleeding and the Risk of Thrombosis in Cancer Patients
Moderators:Joseph Carver, MD & Michael Fisch, MD
- What is the Prevalence and How do we Best Manage the Risk of Thrombosis during Chemotherapy in Cancer Patients?Fabio Ciceri, MD
- Thrombosis of Drug Eluting Stents in Cancer Patients and Management of Anti-platelet TherapyMitchell Krucoff, MD
- With Hematologic Malignancies – Is there a Cardiac Concern with Proteasome Inhibitors?:Frank Cornell, MD
- Are Guidelines for Anticoagulation Useful in Cancer Patients?Sebastian Schmit, MD, PhD
Enhancing Cooperation between Disciplines in a Practical Manner
Moderators: Greg Armstrong, MD; Sandy Constine, MD; and Eric Harrison, MD
- Can Oncology Clinical Trials Record Cardiac Events Reliably?Monkia Leja, MD
- How do Oncologists and Cardiologists Integrate Care?Susan Dent, MD & Carrie Lenneman, MD
- Survivorship Recommendations: What Help Can Cardiology Provide?Kevin Oeffinger, MD
- Should We Develop a Curriculum for Cardio-oncology?Richard Steingart, MD
Review of Consensus Recommendation (II): Thrombosis, Cardiac Event Documentation, and SurvivorshipJoanna Brell, MD & Daniel Lenihan, MD